Best art challenge that will definitely improve your drawing skills? 100 Heads Challenge! Learn more about the #100headschallenge and see how other artists dealt with it and the results.
Many of you probably already saw some artists participating in this challenge on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and know the rules – or even better, joined it!
But there are people who are new to this challenge, so I will explain first what’s going on, and why some artists post so many head drawings on their social media pages.
What is 100 Heads Challenge?
The 100 Heads Challenge is an art challenge, where the artist’ goal is to draw 100 different heads in 10 days. That makes it 10 drawings of head per 1 day.
There’s no restriction when it comes to using tools – you can draw the heads with traditional and digital media.
Who started the 100 heads challenge?
The Artist who created this challenge is Ahmed Aldoori – a professional illustrator, known for his YouTube channel (click to visit his channel) where he uploads videos about art with very useful tips, drawing processes, and art podcasts. He’s also an author of other similar challenges, such as #500hands challenge.
He uploaded on YouTube a video about the 100 Heads Challenge. Below you can watch his video where he talks about the challenge and sketches heads.
100 heads chalenge board
To prepare for his challenge, Ahmed Aldoori had to gather 100 different photos of heads. A fellow artist Dani helped him to create a board on Pinterest with all photos, you can check out the board here: 100 heads challenge board
The 100 heads Challenge official hashtag is #meds100challenge – the first hashtag was #100headschallenge, but it was changed by Ahmed Aldoori
Pieces of Advice on taking the 100 Heads Challenge
Ahmed in his video talks about the 100 heads challenge and gives some advice to artists who feel discouraged if their artworks are not good enough in their opinion.
1. Pay attention to eyes and mouth
When you draw people from different age groups, pay attention to where the mouth and eyes are located – you will notice a pattern on where the nose, mouth, and eyes locations are, depending on the age of the drawn person.
2. Pay attention to contrast
Don’t try to make your head sketches perfect. Along the way, you will start noticing the things. Don’t shade too dark in places when you don’t have to and don’t focus to much on details.
3. Don’t compare yourself to other artists
If you feel discouraged because you think that other artist’s artwork is much better and you don’t make enough progress – stop that.
You don’t know how much time they spent practicing the drawing. It’s best if you compare yourself to your ‘yesterday-self’. Don’t give up, it takes time and sacrifice to achieve goals.
Don’t compare your drawings in the challenge at the beginning. It’s advised to finish the 100 heads challenge, and then compare the last 10 heads with 10 first head drawings and draw conclusions from the practice.
Artists who joined the 100 heads challenge:
Ps. Check out also other Art Challenges
I like to gather info about art challenges, feel free to check them out. Let me know if there are any other interesting art challenges worth recommending! 🙂