How to create 3d image on facebook?
There’s no wonder that Facebook is one of the biggest social websites on the world. It’s gives us a possibility to connect other people via chat and video calls, but that’s not his only advantage – of course many other sites gives us this possibility. What makes Facebook great are its features!
One of the feauter available on the Facebook is posting 3d images. Here you will find pieces on information about this feature.
How to post a 3d image on facebook?
It’s really simple, you don’t have to download any android apps or register to any websites/like fb pages to use this feature.
In quick steps:
1. Create the depth map
2. Name the files correctly: imagename.jpg and imagename_depth.jpg
3. Upload the files to facebook
More detailed explanation below:
You only need two files – the image .jpg and the depth map .jpg.
Depth map is a .jpg file created from your illustration, that helps FB’s algoritm to determine which object on the image should be “closer”. The whiter – the closer it is.
You have to upload the two files to Facebook – just click on “photo/video” in the “create post” box, and pick the images.
Important: I order to create the 3d image on Facebook, you neem to name the files correctly – imagename.jpg and imagename_depth.jpg
“imagename” – you can pick any name you want, just remember to add “_depth” to the depth maps name.
Below you will find my illustration and the “depth” file I created:
After uploading the files, you will see this image:
Just wait a few seconds for FB algorithm to work.
And viola! the 3d image is ready!
thank you for the information