Check out these Monthly Art Challenges! Find your favorite art prompts for each month, and join the rest of the artists!
Last time I gathered a general list of art challenges. I’ve received some questions if there are any art challenges in a particular month. So I started doing research, with an idea in mind that I will extend this previous article. But frankly, I think that creating a separate article, dedicated just to monthly art challenges will be more useful, especially to those who just want to join art challenges in a certain month (because that’s when they have more free time).
So from now on, if there will be any art challenges related to a certain month, I will update this article, and leave the previous article list of art challenges to all of the rest (no-time limited) challenges.
I’ve prepared an excel file with a calendar of monthly art challenges. You can copy and modify it for your own personal use. On the right side I also included non-montly challenges. Have fun!
Here’s a .jpg calendar, you can print it if you want 🙂 back-white, and color version. Click to zoom-in the calendars:
List of Montly Art Challenges with brief descriptions
Most of the art challenges listed here have an official prompt list published every year on the internet. But there are artists that create their own prompt lists, use other lists, or just draw what they are feeling at the time. There are no strict rules on what art tools you have to use – you can use both traditional and digital media.
The main goal of these challenges is to create a drawing/sketch every day of the respective month. And of course, to have fun!
Also, I’ve already created some articles dedicated to certain challenges listed here – you can click on highlighted art challenge’s name to go to its page and learn more.
Pick your favorite art challenge and give your best!
January Art Challenges
This is a challenge created by Dibujante Nocturno, Rafater and Joshua Cairós. A few years ago they decided to draw a creature per day in January in order to start the year with good artistic vibes. Great challenge if you want to improve your creature designs!
hashtags: #creatuanary
February Art Challenges
Fairyary is a challenge that was initiated to invite artists to draw more fairies and spreading fairies love during February. The goal is to draw one fairy each day of February. There’s no restrictions in regards t what tools you can use: “Write if you prefer writing to drawing, whatever!”
A cute art challenge, dedicated to drawing birds. The rules are really simple: just draw one bird each day the month, post it to social media, and tag it with hashtag: #Febirdary.
There are no restrictions on what tools you have to use, it can be digital or traditional media.
Figuary is a 28 day Figure Drawing Challenge that takes place during February, and it’s a project created by lovelifedrawing, with help of Croquis Cafe.
28 Drawings Later is a challenge to do something creative every day in the month of February.
March Art Challenges
Magical March
Magical March is an art challenge where artists draw a magical girl (or something related to this subject) every day for the month of March! There’s an official prompt list published every year by Mariana Real.
March of Robots
The goal is to draw a new robot illustration each day for 31 days. You don’t have to do a drawing every day. Drawings can be digital or traditional, but it must be drawn by you and it has to be a robot or depict a scene featuring a robot.
Monster March
A perfect challenge for monster lovers – it is dedicated to drawing monsters. Doesn’t really matter what kind of monsters. It’s a great opportunity for artists looking to challenge themselves, and come up with new creature concepts.
Frog March
An art challenge dedicated to drawing frogs!
April Art Challenges
April showers
April showers daily prompts are related to rain and storms, for example, “Rain boots”.
After all, April showers brings May Flowers. There are many prompt lists created by various artists which you can use.
Plein air april
*description will be added later*
May Art Challenges
MerMay is an art challenge where artists from all around the world draw mermaids. The name MerMay is a combination of two words – Mermaid, and May. The goal is to draw a mermaid every day, following the prompt list (one prompt per one day of May)
Munchy May
Munchy May is an annual project based in the month of May. Every day when artists across the globe submit their artworks to social media, they are asked to reflect on their meal, artwork, and outer life, and explain in the artwork’s description for what grateful for they are at this moment.
Artists draw mostly food they have eaten at that day.
June Art Challenges
Junicorn Drawing Challenge
As the name indicates, it’s a challenge dedicated to drawing unicorns, every day for the month of June. There are no restriction to what media you have to use, you can also create your own prompt list or use other artist’s prompt list, as long as your drawings will be related to unicorns.
is a 30-days art challenge that takes place in June. The goal is to draw a new creature or your version of a classic creature, every day of the month, following a prompt list.
*There’s no official prompt list. Many artists create their own lists and publish on social media, allowing others to use it. So, you can create your own prompt list or use an existing one. The most popular Kaijune prompt lists are created by @flancortes
During the month of June, Junebug challenge encourages you to doodle, draw, paint, photograph, or even sculpt some artworks based on insects, and post to social media.
A similar art challenge to Fairyary (from February). Draw a fairy every day – you don’t have to stick to the daily routine. The goal is to draw faeries, pixies, brownies, hobgoblins, etc. during the month of June.
July Art Challenges
It’s KaiJune – but for those artists who didn’t have time to participate in this challenge the previous month, June.
This is a drawing challenge running from July 1st to July 31st. This challenge focuses on drawing wolves and werewolves (or other canine creatures).
August Art Challenges
August in the art community is the month of dragons, dubbed #Smaugust, where every day of the month you attempt to draw a dragon in any way, shape, size, medium, or fantastical method you desire.
Doggust a daily challenge for the month of august to draw a dog every day, according to the prompt list.
Use any medium you want and feel free to join in any time!
September Art Challenges
Create one digital or traditional sketch every day in September. The main goal is to create sketches, not finished illustrations.
It’s a sword-themed art challenge that takes place in September. Its goal is to draw a sword – inspired by a daily prompt list, for each day of the month.
*You can interpret it as a fantasy art challenge instead of a sword-specific challenge.
October Art Challenges
- Many artists refuse to participate in Inktober. Therefore, there’s a huge list of alternatives. Read the article to find more art challenges here: LIST OF INKTOBER ALTERNATIVES – It’s a list dedicated entirely to October’s Art Challenges. Here I’m just listing the most popular ones.
Inktober is an art challenge that takes place in October. Its name comes from two words – October and Ink.
Every October, artists from all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.
Drawlloween is the Halloween-based art challenge started by Brian Soria in 2012. Inspired by Jonathan Coulton’s “Thing A Week”, it began as a series of warm up prompts for his Austin-based “Society of Malice” art group. The challenge found it’s way to online art forums, took off and is now enjoyed around the world!
Drawtober was created in the spirit of Halloween and hosted by Vonnart, Gawki, and Diandrapopart.
Goretobers gives artists a different and new drawing challenge every day that revolves around gore.
Catober is an art challenge dedicated to cats and other feline animals.
A challenge created by Martith, where your drawing subject are foxes! Your goal is to draw one fox per day, inspired by the prompt list.
*descriprion will be added later
November Art Challenges
Its goal is to draw one drawing each day, for all days of the month of November, in a given hue. Each day is linked with a certain hue – you can use all colors you want in your drawing as long as the hue of the day stays the main visible color of the image.
Slowvember is about quality and getting something you really like. During this challenge, work on one image and make it as good as you can. Finish a 1 portfolio-level drawing in one month.
Dinovember is a challenge where everyone draws one dinosaur per day to learn about the prehistoric past! It doesn’t matter your skill level, it’s just for fun!
December Art Challenges
Every December, artists from all around the world, create a drawing for each day of December. The prompts are mostly Christmas related.
Talecember is a daily challenge that focuses on worldbuilding. Any medium and genre are allowed, you can draw, write stories, descriptions, create maps and games inspired by a given prompt.
Decembird (similar to Febirdary) invites you to have fun making birdy art and to grow as an artist.
*description will be added later*
*description will be added later*
*description will be added later*
Please let me know if there are art challenges that should be included in this list.
I will try to update this article in the future.
*Thank you for every comment, I wouldn’t be able to create such a long list without your help!